Don’t let fatty liver disease wreak havoc on your health.

Deepansh Pratap
8 min readAug 18, 2021

Let us tell you that fatty liver disease is common in people, at first glance, people do not even know about it. If fatty liver is not treated at the right time, then that person starts developing other health-related problems. In fact, due to the lack of information about this disease, people do not know about it. Today we will give you complete information about what is the treatment of fatty liver and when it should be done. But first, let us know what a normal liver does and what is fatty liver is.

What does the liver do?

The liver filters all of the blood that has been through the stomach and intestines. The liver processes blood, breaking down, balancing, and creating nutrients, as well as metabolizing medications into forms that are easier to use or harmless for the rest of the body.

The liver’s primary function is to filter blood from the digestive tract before it is sent throughout the body. Chemicals are detoxified and medicines are metabolized by the liver. The liver secretes bile, which is then reabsorbed by the intestines.

What is Fatty Liver?

It is a liver disease in which excess fat accumulates in the liver. It is normal to have a normal amount of fat in the body, but when this amount starts increasing too much and slowly, it has a bad effect on health. However, the liver is the second largest organ in the human body, performing many important functions such as converting the food and drink we eat into energy and removing harmful substances from the blood. If excess fat i.e. fat gets stored in it, then its side effects can occur. It impairs the functioning of the liver which can cause damage to the liver.

What are the types of fatty liver?

There are mainly two types of fatty liver, which are as follows:

  • Alcoholic fatty liver: This is a common type of fatty liver, which occurs during the early stages of drinking alcohol. If a person consumes alcohol continuously, then he may have a problem with alcoholic fatty liver.
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver: This is another variant of this liver disease, which causes inflammation of the liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver is caused due to many other reasons like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc and most people suffer from it.

Treatment Of Fatty Liver:

Currently, no drugs have been approved for the treatment of fatty liver. Doctors perform some tests before its treatment so that it can be detected after getting it done like a physical exam, blood test, liver biopsy, ultrasound exam, CT scan, MRI scan. take any decision.

Losing 10% of your body weight irons out its risk factors and may even improve health. If you lose even 3% to 5% of your starting weight. So it can help in reducing your fatty liver.

You should not do this if you drink a lot of alcohol, as it carries with it many risks and causes a lot of damage to your liver. Due to this habit of yours, you can also get liver cirrhosis. You are asked to make changes in your lifestyle.

Finally, when the liver does not heal, then doctors recommend a liver transplant.

Why is fatty liver fatal?

Fatty liver is a “silent disease”. There are no symptoms of this disease until the condition progresses to liver cirrhosis and liver failure. It is very important to detect this disease at an early stage so that it can be stopped or slowed down.

In how many stages does fatty liver occur?

There are 4 stages of fatty liver, which are as follows-

Steatosis: This is the most common and early stage of the disease, known as simple fatty liver. In this condition, excess fat accumulates around the liver, which can be detected only through a medical test.

Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) is a more grave form of NAFLD and this tends to occur if the liver is damaged causing it to be inflamed.

Fibrosis: When inflammation in the liver causes excess tissue to build up in and around the liver, but it continues to function normally, this condition is called fibrosis.

Cirrhosis: This is the deadliest condition of fatty liver, in which the liver shrinks and can even worsen. If a person reaches the stage of cirrhosis, the only option left with him is a liver transplant.

Who is at risk of getting NAFLD?

NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) can affect men, women, and children of all ages, but it is more common in people who are overweight. A high-calorie and fructose diet can also lead to fatty liver disease.

Is it possible to get rid of fatty liver?

Fatty liver can be reversed if caught early enough, but it can also proceed to severe liver disease.

How do you simply treat a fatty liver?

The most effective treatment options for NAFLD are currently lifestyle and dietary changes. Losing weight, getting more exercise, cutting back on sweets, eating a healthy diet, and drinking coffee are some of the things that can assist with NALFD symptoms.

What foods should you avoid if you have fatty liver?

As a rule of thumb, avoid fatty foods at all costs.

French fries and burgers are not good choices for a healthy liver. If you eat too many foods heavy in saturated fat, your liver will have a tougher time doing its job. It may induce inflammation over time, which can develop into cirrhosis, which is scarring of the liver.

Is fatty liver a result of stress?

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease May Be Caused by Cellular Stress in the Brain. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can be caused by disruptions in a protein folding process in the brain known as endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which is independent of other variables.

What are the indicators that your liver is failing?

Though we highly recommend not to self-diagnose these symptoms, knowing about them can help you describe these tell-tale signs to a doctor.

• Your skin and eyes will turn yellow (jaundice)

• You’re experiencing mild to acute pain in your upper right abdomen.

• Swelling in the abdomen (ascites)

• Nausea.

• Vomiting.

• A overall feeling of being ill.

• Confusion or disorientation.

• Sleepiness.

As a reiteration, a visit to the doctor is important if you think these signs are noticeable.

What methods do you use to detoxify your liver?

A liver detox usually entails one or more of the following:

• Taking vitamins that help the liver wash poisons out.

• eating liver-friendly diet

• Certain foods should be avoided.

• I’m doing a juice fast.

• The colon and the gut are being cleansed.

What should I eat to reduce the risk of fatty liver?

The following foods are included in a fatty liver disease diet:

• Fruits and veggies in abundance

• Legumes and whole grains are high-fiber plants.

• There isn’t much added sugar, salt, trans fat, processed carbohydrates, or saturated fat, and there isn’t any alcohol.

  • A low-fat, low-calorie diet can aid weight loss and lower the risk of fatty liver disease. If you’re overweight, your goal should be to shed at least 10% of your body weight.

5 Easy Ways to Maintain Liver Health

The liver is a vital organ in the human body because it is capable of excreting poisons. Furthermore, high-fat diets necessitate the liver’s promotion of bile secretion and digestion for the nutrients in the food to be absorbed and the body to remain healthy.

People with good liver function live longer on average. Here are some simple guidelines that you should follow if you want to live longer and keep your liver healthy:

1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water is beneficial to our overall health and is especially vital for liver protection. Drinking water can assist the body to replenish water while also promoting metabolism, increasing blood flow, removing toxic compounds, and reducing the stress on the liver. It is suggested that you drink a glass of water every morning and refill your body’s water supply regularly.

2. Sleep. Yes, you read that right!

The importance of sleep for the liver’s health cannot be overstated. The highest period of liver detoxification, according to nutrition experts, is between 11 p.m. and 1 p.m. If this period does not pass, the liver’s detoxification will be compromised, and the liver’s normal function will be compromised. You must get enough sleep to preserve your liver.

3. Workout.

Exercise is essential for liver health, and it can also help to minimize the risk of fatty liver. You can choose appropriate exercises for those with fatty livers, such as running, cycling, and swimming.

4. Give up drinking

Alcohol, according to experts, is extremely damaging to the liver’s health. After you stop drinking, your liver will get healthier. It is recommended that you drink less alcohol to keep your liver healthy.

5. Focus on your Diet /Eating habits.

If you don’t eat a well-balanced diet, you’ll put more strain on your liver in the long run. A fatty liver, for example, might be caused by an imbalanced diet.

Seven types of liver-protecting foods are recommended: sweet potato, corn, kelp, apple, milk, onion, and winter melon. These foods can aid in the digestion of excess fat and the prevention of it adhering to a healthy liver.

To conclude it is apt to say that Except for chronic alcohol abusers, long-term drug users, and some poisons found in mushrooms, molds, viruses, and other organisms, the ordinary person’s liver is healthy. So, if you don’t have any of the above risks and your recent physical exam revealed no issues, I’m guessing your liver is in good shape.

If you already have a healthy liver, please do not ruin that.

~ Deepansh Pratap



Deepansh Pratap

Deepansh Pratap is a full time freelancer and a published author. He has ghostwritten 14 national bestsellers in English. He has also worked as a trainer.